Start your Holiday season off with a day of giving! Join us for our third and final dine and donate of the year on Saturday, December 1, and help Give a Shuck for Our Community.

Start your Holiday season off with a day of giving! Join us for our third and final dine and donate of the year on Saturday, December 1, and help Give a Shuck for Our Community. All Hog Island Oyster Co. locations will be donating 10% of sales to the following community service organizations:
San Francisco – SFILEN: The San Francisco Immigrant Legal & Education Network (SFILEN) is a unique collaboration of legal and service organizations dedicated to aiding the immigrant community in San Francisco. Their mission is to promote full access to social services, direct legal services, civic engagement, legalization, freedom of movement, and reunification with family and community, for all immigrants and their families regardless of their immigration status
Napa – Friends of the Napa River: FONR is a diverse community group whose mission is to be “the community’s voice for the protection, restoration, responsible development and celebration of the Napa River and its watershed through education and advocacy.”
Marshall – Papermill Creek Children’s Corner: Papermill Creek Children’s Corner has been home to West Marin families since 1972. Their goal is to inspire a lifelong love of learning that connects children and families to our community by providing excellence in early childhood education for West Marin.
There is no better way to start off the Holidays than with a day of seafood and giving back to your community. We hope to see you at our Oyster Bars on December 1. If you can’t make it, we encourage you to check out these organizations and consider donating to their causes.